Duck Farts, Milk Stout and the mother load … Mother’s Brewing Company


I have lagged in my blogging lately. Between birthday parties, bachelorette parties and my job, I have not had the time … or even the mental faculties to write a proper blog entry, but I’M BACK BETCHES!!!

To begin, I helped a good friend celebrate her “golden” birthday in style. This began by pre-gaming the night before with duck fart shots. Upon drinking said shot, it was decided that “duck fart” was a good thing to randomly shout out and inappropriate times 🙂 So what’s in a duck fart shot you ask? Well, it’s a lovely mixture of whiskey, ameretto and Bailey’s. Having never consumed said shot before, this constituted my “new” drink for that week.

Fast forward to last Friday. I attended a friend’s bachelorette party held in her sister’s home. It was a BYOB party, so I stopped in my friendly local liquor store to see what tasty beverages I could find. Thankfully, they had two cute male clerks who were more than willing to help me find some to wet my whistle ;-). I ended up purchasing Left Hand’s Milk Stout Nitro upon their recommendation and receiving recommendations for two more beers which I should be sampling in the next few weeks. Milk Stout Nitro is a dark beer. I’m typically a dark beer fan, but it is very smooth and not heavy. I bought a 6 pack and drank 4 of them at the party. I’d typically only drink one dark beer then switch to something lighter. I would definitely purchase it again.

Which brings us to this evening. My friend’s brother is part of a small micro-brewery in Springfield, Missouri. Jeff was kind enough to share a small sampling of his stash with me since this FABULOUS beer is not sold here in Wichita, Kansas. 😦 My complimentary four pack included the following selections: Holy Mole, Uber Pils, Winter Grind Coffee Stout, and Tow Head American Blonde (drank in that order). I was really excited to try the Holy Mole which is described as, “inspired by traditional Mexican mole sauces” and includes a slight spiciness from various peppers. It is an excellent beer that I highly recommend. But I have to admit, my favorite was the one I expected to like the least, the Winter Grind Coffee Stout. It was so smooth and delicious and tastes like an iced coffee. You almost wouldn’t even recognize that it contains alcohol it’s so smooth. I am, and forever will be, a fan of Mother’s Brewing Company and can hardly wait to try other tasty selections from them. My only hope is that they will someday be able to convince a distributer to bring their tastiness here to podunk Wichita, Kansas!!! I encourage you all to check them out. Their website is as follows:

Until next week, stay thirsty my friends 🙂

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The Mini-Bar is Open!!!

photo (1)So last weeks experiment backfired … I’m thinking it will need to be repeated in a later post 🙂 But this week, I recieved a LOVELY little gift pack straight from a cheap motel mini-bar compliments of the Unsinkable Molly, my NCDC partner in crime!!!

The mobile mini-bar came packaged in a headphone box. Upon unwrapping this little lovely, my first thought was, “Why is Molly sending me earphones?” LOL. Upon opening the package though I discovered a lovely assortment of 6 little airplane bottles of various liquours 🙂 You can only imagine my delight upon opening this package!!!

Based upon the receipt of this lovely little box, I decided to keep my liqour store purchase calm this evening as I knew I would be sampling the mini-bar. The mini-bar was made up of a dual bottle called Jekyll & Hyde, Cherry Tease Pucker, Hpnotiq Harmonie, Fireball & Most Wanted Vodka (quite appropriate for a criminal defense attorney and I’m sure the pun was intended LOL).

I started my evening off with the Jekyll & Hyde combo … I only wish I had read the back of the bottle to try the mixed shot suggested. Both of them taste like cough syrup. Hyde is a herbal liqueur that tastes a lot like Jager. Jekyll also tastes like cough syrup and is described as a berry liqueur. The first shots of this stuff was not my favorite, but after a few Miller Lights … not too bad LOL!

Next I sampled the Cherry Tease Pucker. Yet another cough syrup inspired drink. Apparently liquor distellers believe the general public is really into drinking cough syrup. And although I’ve never robotripped, I’ve got to believe it is so much better than merely drinking alcohol that taste like cough syrup!

The final sampling for the evening was the Hypnotiq. Honestly, it was probably my most favorite … but I’m not sure that’s saying alot. Its your basic sweet, girly, little shot. Most girls would probably love it … but my daddy raised me right 🙂

Overall, mini-bar was a success!!! I stayed home, had my own little nerd dance party and got a lot of stuff accomplished around the house while enjoying intoxicating beverages. At the end of the day, shots are FUN!!! As my friend Drue says, “Pimps up, Hoes down. Bitch can’t swim, she’s bound to drown!” The more your drink, the less you notice the unpleasantness of any particular shot and the more enjoyable the become. I’m just thankful that I met Molly and that she supports me in this endeavor LOL 🙂

❤ you girl!!!

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Mrs. O’Leary’s Naughty Cow


I was giddy with anticipation as I entered the liquor store this evening knowing that I was about to embark on my 52 week journey. I was unsure of what I was in the mood for so I began walking the aisles. I stopped at the chilled wine and champagne case first but didn’t find anything that sparked my curiousity. I continued onto the craft and foreign beers but again was disappointed. As I turned my attention to the bottles of mixers and premade drinks a bottle labled “Naughty Cow Chocolate Milk for Grown-ups” caught my eye like a sparkly, shiney object begging to be touched.

“Oooohhh,” I thought, “this sounds fun.” I’m not sure how anybody else makes their drink selections, but I frequently make my alcohol purchases based upon funny sounding names and pictures on the bottle … because I’m sophisticated like that.

“This is the perfect selection to begin my blog with,” I grabbed the bottle and proudly approached the register. As I set my purchase on the counter, one of the clerk’s inquired what it tasted like. I explained that I was beginning my “resolution” and that I’d probably be in on a fairly frequent basis to try out new things. I was slightly embarrassed to share this tidbit but was relieved when they thought it was a great idea and wanted the link to my blog. I left the store excited to find out what this rodeo may bring.

Naughty Cow isn’t going to make you set the city on fire, but it is pretty good. It tastes a lot like a Mudslide. It has a smoothness that is nice with a hint of spiciness. When it comes to drinking, I don’t usually go for sweet drinks but I could see myself having one of these every now and again. I would definitely purchase it again, perhaps for a party where I could have help drinking it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Naughty Cow a 7. Plus, if you say “Naughty Cow” with a Brittish accent its fun and sounds sexy, which makes it even more fun to say 🙂

Until next week, Cheers!

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And in the beginning there was dick gravy!

I attended an intense two-week training this past June. Needless to say, countless hours after class was spent with the other attendees drinking and sharing war stories.  One of the attendees can only be described as my sister from another mother.  It was as if Molly and I had known each other our whole lives even though we had just met.

Molly shared with us her take on New Year resolutions.  Each year she picks an off-the-wall idea such as picking up every abandoned shoe lying along the roadway for the entire year or learning the lyrics to the top 50 rap songs.  I fell in love with the idea and wanted to do the same for 2013. 

This blog is my “resolution” for 2013.  I enjoy drinking.  I enjoy trying new drinks.  I enjoy making up drinks.  Drinking is my hobby and some day I’d even like to own a bar.  So this blog is my journey of self-discovery, finding my true passion in life and enjoying each moment by trying a new beer, wine, liquor, etc. every week.  It also gives me an opportunity to impove my writing skills.

To new beginnings and the trials & tribulations that get us there! Cheers 🙂

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