Mrs. O’Leary’s Naughty Cow


I was giddy with anticipation as I entered the liquor store this evening knowing that I was about to embark on my 52 week journey. I was unsure of what I was in the mood for so I began walking the aisles. I stopped at the chilled wine and champagne case first but didn’t find anything that sparked my curiousity. I continued onto the craft and foreign beers but again was disappointed. As I turned my attention to the bottles of mixers and premade drinks a bottle labled “Naughty Cow Chocolate Milk for Grown-ups” caught my eye like a sparkly, shiney object begging to be touched.

“Oooohhh,” I thought, “this sounds fun.” I’m not sure how anybody else makes their drink selections, but I frequently make my alcohol purchases based upon funny sounding names and pictures on the bottle … because I’m sophisticated like that.

“This is the perfect selection to begin my blog with,” I grabbed the bottle and proudly approached the register. As I set my purchase on the counter, one of the clerk’s inquired what it tasted like. I explained that I was beginning my “resolution” and that I’d probably be in on a fairly frequent basis to try out new things. I was slightly embarrassed to share this tidbit but was relieved when they thought it was a great idea and wanted the link to my blog. I left the store excited to find out what this rodeo may bring.

Naughty Cow isn’t going to make you set the city on fire, but it is pretty good. It tastes a lot like a Mudslide. It has a smoothness that is nice with a hint of spiciness. When it comes to drinking, I don’t usually go for sweet drinks but I could see myself having one of these every now and again. I would definitely purchase it again, perhaps for a party where I could have help drinking it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Naughty Cow a 7. Plus, if you say “Naughty Cow” with a Brittish accent its fun and sounds sexy, which makes it even more fun to say 🙂

Until next week, Cheers!

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