And in the beginning there was dick gravy!

I attended an intense two-week training this past June. Needless to say, countless hours after class was spent with the other attendees drinking and sharing war stories.  One of the attendees can only be described as my sister from another mother.  It was as if Molly and I had known each other our whole lives even though we had just met.

Molly shared with us her take on New Year resolutions.  Each year she picks an off-the-wall idea such as picking up every abandoned shoe lying along the roadway for the entire year or learning the lyrics to the top 50 rap songs.  I fell in love with the idea and wanted to do the same for 2013. 

This blog is my “resolution” for 2013.  I enjoy drinking.  I enjoy trying new drinks.  I enjoy making up drinks.  Drinking is my hobby and some day I’d even like to own a bar.  So this blog is my journey of self-discovery, finding my true passion in life and enjoying each moment by trying a new beer, wine, liquor, etc. every week.  It also gives me an opportunity to impove my writing skills.

To new beginnings and the trials & tribulations that get us there! Cheers 🙂

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